(505) 273-8570
Kira Willis - Kira does it all for us. She is a graduate of Boise State University, was on their dance team while she was there, and remains the coach for a local high school dance team, getting them prepared for serious competitions all over the country. We at the office feed off her energy!
Tannica Taylor - Office Manager and Client Relations - Tannica is a University of Memphis graduate who does everything she can to keep us in line while keeping good relations with all of her clients. She is the mother of two beautiful daughters who are so full of life!
Former Beloved Co-Workers
Susan Wells - Office Manager and Client Relations Emeritus - Susan has decades of experience working at both plaintiff and defense law firms and used her extensive experience to help our clients for years. Susan retired and spends most of her time as "Gran Gran." After bringing her out of retirement from time-to-time, Susan is now fully-retired. The clients and I miss her!
Rebekah Padilla - Office Manager/Client Relations/Certified Paralegal - Rebekah is a graduate of the University of New Mexico and New Mexico Highlands, a mother of 3, and a former teacher. Her daughter Kalise often comes to the office to spend time, and we always find work for her to do. Their dog Luna, a mini-Pinscher, often comes to the office, but always refuses to work on any of our client's cases.
Brandi Nastacio (formerly Trujillo) - Brandi used to be the Case Development Specialist/Client Relations/Certified Paralegal, but she is about to be a law student at UNM! Brandi is a graduate of New Mexico Highlands University, where she received her Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. After college, Brandi was fortunate to attend the University of New Mexico Continuing Education Program and to have paralegal training under the very accomplished and highly-respected attorney Antonia Roybal-Mack. Brandi was born and raised in New Mexico and is the mother of two beautiful and wonderful children who enjoy many visits to the park, zoo, and the library and enjoy athletic activities and all kinds of fun outdoor activities with her and their Dad Bryson, a former Army soldier and now tribal officer who protects and serves his community.